With a degree and extensive training in the Chicago Manual of Style (the best style for fiction novels), I have been a full-time professional editor since 2013, when I became a Senior Editor for Hot Tree Editing. To fill the gaps in my schedule, I also do freelance editing on my own.
How my services work:
I use Microsoft Word. Track Changes are turned on, which allows you to see my revisions and comments. If you've never used this program before, I'm happy to help walk you through it. It's super easy. I promise!
You'll send me the first 3000 words of your manuscript, and I'll edit them the way they need, including content notes, sentence rewrites, and grammar and punctuation. Analyzing those revisions, it will show us which kind of edit you'll need during your first round with me. Also based on that sample, I'll divide the number of revisions by the number of words, which will give me the rate of revision. If that rate is above 9%, it is considered an extensive edit, and the cost per word will be higher than the cost of an average edit, which are all listed below. You will be given the cost of your edit before I begin the rest of your book so you'll know how much it will be going in.
If you decide you'd like to move forward with me as your first-round editor, a 50% deposit is required when you send me the rest of your manuscript. When I'm all finished with your book baby, the other half is due, and I'll send your manuscript for you to go through all the revisions. If there are rewrites you make using content notes I've left, all you have to do is keep your Track Changes on when you make them. That way, when you're finished with those, you can send the document back to me so I can easily double-check the grammar and punctuation to make sure everything is squared away in your new additions.
After that is complete, it's up to you to hire/find a proofreader for another/final set of eyes on your book before formatting and publishing. This is always, always advised. Even as a professional editor myself, I still have my own books professionally edited, proofread, and then "final eyes" by a beta reader to catch any stragglers. That's three rounds after I write and do self-edits. And with Amazon giving readers the option to point out any and all boo-boos in your Kindle edition, which causes you the author a hell of a time to try to keep up with KDP telling you that you have revisions that need to be addressed and fixed or they'll remove your book, you definitely want it to be as clean as humanly possible before uploading.
If you decide not to use my services, the only cost to you is the sample that was completed at the rate it fits.
Proofreading includes checking your spelling, grammar, punctuation, and subject-verb agreement. This is an excellent resource for proficient writers who just need an extra set of eyes. This service is also great for those who have already gone through their first rounds of editing with someone else and need a final round to catch anything that might've slipped by in the revising process. We all know how tricky that Accept/Decline button can be sometimes! No content notes included.
$0.009 per word
60,000 word proofread - US$540.00
Copy and line editing includes checking spelling, grammar, punctuation, consistency, appropriateness of verb tenses, transitional phrasing, and continuity/flow of thoughts. This is the type of edit you'll get if no content feedback is needed.
$0.012 per word
60,000 line & copy edit - US$720.00
Content editing includes Copy and Line editing (the one right above this) PLUS sentence rewrites when necessary. This editing includes reviewing the plot/character elements for consistency in your novel, which will be highlighted and noted in the comments of your Word document.
$0.015 per word
60,000 content edit - US$900.00
All rates above are based on a revision percentage rate of less than 9%. If your revision rate is 10% or higher, the per-word rate will increase, depending on the percentage.
To discuss working together, please email me at authorkdrobichaux@gmail.com.
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